March 16, 2017

March 08, 2017

Battle of the Books

The Rampaging Readers did a great job in their first ever OBOB
competition. They made it all the way to the semi-finals after taking
the eventual champs through a double tie-breaker. Congrats to the team !

On your Mark...

Claire and OG decide to have a race. Loser buys the first round.

Band Geeks

Claire, Matilda and Madelyn had their big MUSE band winter concert.

Small-Tall Ball 2017

Claire and Matilda tolerate their escorts long enough for a photo op.

Chair shopping

Claire "helps" OG pick out an easy chair for his new apartment.

Family Archives

Nana, Claire and Mama view some mementos from Laura's childhood found
while moving OG to Portland.

OG Moves to Portland

Claire happily greets OG at the airport as he arrives in his new home town.